The Urgent Need For

Clean Water

This World Water Day, Hope Village joins forces with global charitable organizations to confront a critical challenge: approximately 771 million people do not have access to safe water, which is about one in every ten people worldwide. In our community, the need for a reliable Purification System is dire as we are the primary source of water for many, despite its contamination with harmful bacteria.

On March 22, we renew our commitment to addressing this crisis, motivated by the severe consequences we witness daily. Contaminated water sources lead to leg sores in children, widespread malnutrition, and chronic intestinal health issues. These are stark reminders of the urgency of our mission.

We call upon everyone to help make a difference. Promoting good hygiene stands out as the most cost-effective public health measure. Alarmingly, unsafe water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene practices result in the tragic loss of about 700 children every day.

Additionally, one in three healthcare facilities worldwide lacks proper hand hygiene facilities, affecting nearly 2 billion people. Proper hand hygiene is critical and could prevent up to 50% of infections acquired in healthcare settings. However, there is hope: over the past five years, 500 million people have gained access to basic hand hygiene facilities, which is an improvement of 300,000 people every day.

Join us in our efforts to provide safe, clean water and improve hygiene facilities. Together, we can turn the tide against this preventable crisis and save lives.


children die every day from diseases linked to unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)

1 in 3

healthcare facilities does not have access to hand hygiene where care is provided. Almost 2 billion people depend on health care facilities without basic water services.

Up to 50%

of avoidable infections acquired during health care delivery can be prevented with timely hygiene, including those affecting the health workforce. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)

Half a Billion

have gained access to basic hand hygiene facilities over the past 5 years – a rate of 300,000 per day. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)

Hope Village needs to purchase a Purification System

The entire community relies on us for safe water, yet the water we currently have access to remains tainted with bacteria. Despite this challenge, we are steadfast in our efforts to instill hope within our community. In recognition of #WorldWaterDay on March 24, 2024, we are actively pursuing a solution. Witnessing first hand the devastating effects on our community—the children's leg sores, malnutrition, and chronic intestinal issues—all stemming from contaminated water sources, reinforces the urgency of our mission.

HOPE VILLAGE INTERNATIONAL | 10940 S Nicholson Rd. Oak Creek WI 53154 | (480) 356-0926

HOPE VILLAGE INTERNATIONAL | 10940 S Nicholson Rd. Oak Creek WI 53154 | (480) 356-0926