Who We Are:

Our Story

Hope Village International was born from a love for missions and humanitarian work. And could best be summed up as a journey that led us from hopelessness to Hope Village.

Our Founders' Story

In 1969, at just two years old, Jeffrey Mallory's life took a pivotal turn as his family moved to the Philippines to pursue missionary work. It was here that Jeffrey started his education and eventually graduated, amidst the sprawling slums of Manila—some of the largest in the world at the time. His frequent visits to "Smokey Mountain," a massive landfill that served as home to tens of thousands living in dire conditions, shaped his early encounters with extreme poverty. This place, where children and adults scavenged through trash for food and clothing, left a lasting impression on him.

Driven by the haunting images of desperation he witnessed, Jeffrey chose to forsake the American Dream to advocate for the marginalized and forgotten. This commitment was further strengthened when Brenda Mallory entered his life. Coming from a middle-class American background, Brenda had never experienced the harsh realities of a developing country until she visited the Philippines with Jeffrey, nine years into their marriage and three children later. The profound impact of seeing children fending for themselves in the slums moved her deeply, igniting a passion to help.

Together, Jeffrey and Brenda's shared experiences and burdens sowed the seeds for Hope Village. Their unique backgrounds and journeys reflect the core of our mission: to provide hope and support to the most vulnerable, inspired by a deep-seated love for the Philippines and its people.

Our Founders' Commitment: The Journey of Jeff and Brenda Mallory

Over the years, Jeff and Brenda Mallory dedicated themselves to numerous missionary trips, leading both short-term groups and engaging in extended stays. Their commitment deepened over time, leading them to sell everything and relocate permanently to the Philippines. For the next two decades, they devoted themselves to mission work and humanitarian efforts, responding to natural disasters, extreme poverty, illness, and various crises as effectively as they could.

The vision for an orphanage emerged in 1996 when Brenda encountered children, as young as her own three, fending for themselves on the streets. Despite feeling deeply called to this cause, she hesitated, overwhelmed by the immense responsibility and the faith such an undertaking required. She continued her work in other areas, though she felt the weight of an unfinished mission.

In 2011, their lives took a dramatic turn. Jeff was diagnosed with stage 4 "incurable" cancer. This came shortly after Brenda had lost both her parents to the disease. Confronted with this profound challenge, Jeff and Brenda found themselves in a fight for survival.

Amidst these trials, a red bird appeared—a sign they believed was sent by God. This bird became a symbol of hope and renewal, playing a pivotal role in transforming their journey of despair into the foundation of Hope Village. Their story continues to unfold, a testament to faith, resilience, and the power of compassionate action.

A Turning Point in Our Founders' Journey

The prognosis was grim. Doctors offered no hope for a cure, and Jeff and Brenda Mallory faced the seemingly inevitable conclusion of Jeff’s illness. As his condition worsened, Jeff, sustained by faith yet grappling with diminishing hope, questioned his fate during a poignant moment in his hospital room.

“What if I don’t have to die in this hospital?” Jeff pondered aloud during a heartfelt meeting with Brenda. It was in this moment of profound vulnerability that a new hope emerged—not from their circumstances, which seemed desperate, but from a place of faith when all seemed lost.

“What if the best is yet to come? What if we get to live a full life beyond this disease? What if we see our dreams and goals fulfilled?” These questions marked a pivotal shift in their lives. The power of spoken words, followed by repeated affirmations and actions, began to transform their situation miraculously, leading to a dramatic and complete healing. Indeed, the best was yet to come.

That day, Jeff made a solemn promise to Brenda and to God: if he survived, he would live differently. Months of isolation and pain had refined his thoughts, values, and priorities. He vowed never to let fear prevent him from seizing the opportunities God provided.

Simultaneously, Brenda underwent her own transformation. The trials, grief, and constant crises she faced served to strengthen her faith, turning it into a formidable force. Through the ordeal, she emerged stronger and more resolute.

Following Jeff's miraculous recovery and their return to the Philippines, Jeff and Brenda resumed their mission with renewed vigor and perspective. This story of hope, faith, and miraculous change continues to inspire and drive the work of Hope Village International. For more on this incredible journey, look for our upcoming book!

The Genesis of Hope Village

Despite recurring fears, Jeff and Brenda Mallory remained steadfast in their covenant with God: to always heed His guidance and dismiss the whispers of fear. During a heartfelt reunion with old friends, Jhun and Rossana Rios, Brenda's long-held dream suddenly burst forth. "I'm going to open an orphanage!" she declared, surprising even Jeff, who knew of her dream but hadn't discussed it much recently. This aspiration had been quietly nurtured by Brenda's tears and prayers through years of pain and trials, and now, bolstered by her renewed faith, it was ready to emerge.

Jhun and Rossana reacted with astonishment—they too had harbored a secret for decades. They revealed their own divine instruction: "Back in 1996, God told us to buy a property with no clear purpose for ourselves but as a future home for a ministry. We turned it into a place for prayer and fasting, waiting for the right moment." They promised to show Jeff and Brenda the property the following day.

Driving two hours south of Manila to Barangay San Francisco in Lipa City, Batangas, they arrived at the land destined to become Hope Village. Brenda realized that God had prompted her to start an orphanage around the same time the Rios’ were instructed to purchase this property. The land, steeped in decades of prayer, seemed to pulse with the collective hope of many faithful souls.

Emboldened by this miraculous series of events, Jeff and Brenda founded Hope Village on this hallowed ground. Their first unexpected project was a medical clinic, thanks to a generous Californian who visited the property. He wanted to honor his late wife, a nurse and artist who had cherished her childhood memories of the Philippines. “We believe in your mission,” he told them, “and we’d like to fund the construction of a medical clinic here in her memory.”

Thus, the Beverly Best Medical Clinic was established as the first building in Hope Village, providing essential healthcare services to orphans and the local community in an area where medical resources were scarce and desperately needed. This clinic stands as a testament to the power of faith, the generosity of strangers, and the unyielding spirit of Hope Village.

Building Hope: The Progress and Promise of Hope Village

Hope Village International has grown steadily, attracting partners moved by our mission to create a safe haven for the vulnerable. The Beverly Best Medical Clinic was just the beginning; since then, extensive development has taken place on our property.

Construction included a substantial concrete wall—equivalent in length to four and a half football fields—to secure the perimeter. Staff houses were erected, a deep well was dug, and a water tower now stands tall, irrigating the lush, fruit-bearing and floral landscape year-round.

The cornerstone of our project, a large two-story Children’s Home and Administration Center, is nearing completion. It features a state-of-the-art solar hybrid system on its roof, reflecting our commitment to sustainability. Unfortunately, the pandemic brought unforeseen challenges, halting movement within the country and forcing Jeff and Brenda to leave the Philippines temporarily. Despite these obstacles, construction persevered, with the Children’s Home now 70% complete.

Though we are not yet able to house children, our foundation remains active, providing lifesaving assistance to families affected by the Philippines' frequent natural disasters, including some of the most powerful typhoons on record.

As Jeff and Brenda continue to travel extensively, living out of their suitcases for over four years, they tirelessly promote Hope Village and other ministry efforts. They are creating impactful videos to highlight the needs we address and are rallying a volunteer force of healthcare professionals and other dedicated individuals to support our cause.

Looking beyond the pandemic, we anticipate a surge of opportunities to further our mission. Securing the necessary funds to complete our facilities and meet various needs remains our most critical challenge.

Jeff and Brenda’s unwavering optimism fuels their outreach, as they share their journey from despair to hope with audiences around the world, inspiring others to join in the transformative work of Hope Village International.

HOPE VILLAGE INTERNATIONAL | 10940 S Nicholson Rd. Oak Creek WI 53154 | (480) 356-0926

HOPE VILLAGE INTERNATIONAL | 10940 S Nicholson Rd. Oak Creek WI 53154 | (480) 356-0926